The Powerbase website comes with a full-flavour range of different projects, ranging from the most obscure literary experiments with multi-dimensional poetry to more hands-on inphophiles on various current issues.

An unsafe encounter with Powerbase Alpha's virtual hostess in a brand new, murkier, infospace. Interactive artwork in DHTML.
Cellular Automata Man
New issue of the animated comic series Cellular Automata Man: The Tree ov Cellular Automata Man. [flash 4] The latest in the series of authentic comix presented here at Powerbase HQ.
More Cellular Automata man comix...
Unsafe Icon Files
Versatile icons for your desktop wintel machine.
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Old skool hypertext poem site wrought together in wireframe linking structures. A must see.
viridian green
Unsafe's submissions to the design movement heralded by Sci-Fi writer Bruce Sterling.
a one-off Swedish language webzine made by Powerbase Alpha/Unsafe crewe.
Kenneth Grahn
Meet the impeccable Kenneth Grahn, webtherapeut and human de-luxe. In Swedish only.
Form Phrase Generator Generate your own randomized slogans and catchphrases!

Edit 23
Unsafe's submission to the PNC project.

Unsafe's ever-growing collection of shorter, denser articles on subjects of interest. Currently we are offering inphophiles on these subjects:

The Mighty Baltic Fleet
DJ Spooky
Lev Manovich